Volunteer Opportunities
Ways you can volunteer to the JROTC program:
Chaperone team trips
Donate food &/or beverages, or even ice
Assist with registration, merchandise & snack sales, set up, and food preparation for competitions held at Reagan HS
Attend competitions to support cadets
Attend Veterans Day Parade
Raffle sales, Santa Meet & Greet, vendor support, and entertainment committee will be needed for Holiday Bazaar
Transport cadets to sites for volunteer service events
Do you have special knowledge in web design?
Creating flyers or specialized marketing brochures?
Do you, family member, friend or neighbor own a business that would like to become a corporate or event sponsor?
If you would like more information please contact Brian Pietsch rrhsjrotcpres@gmail.com, or better yet, attend our monthly Booster Club meeting held the 1st Tuesday of each month @ 6 pm.
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Theodore Roosevelt